here we go again (football)...

as the wife of a coach, i pretty much dread this time of year. why? because I become a football widow. 
i know, i know. i am so truly very thankful for his job. but i've always been that almost needy wife that my world feels incomplete without my husband. and there's no changing that, it's who i am. 
i was ready to loathe this season. the whole 'being-alone' 4 days out of the week, only see the husband mornings and nights with a load of unresponsive text messages. 
but it hasn't quite felt the same as past seasons. maybe it's the maturity in me, and in my marriage, that has me at peace. maybe it's because i spend my entire day with a mini-witty who is literally her father's spitting image. or maybe it's because i'm over those uncomfortable feelings. 
i don't know. 
i am just very grateful i have husband who will listen to my mommy-day, even when he had a crappy day with his classes. 
or that i'm still awake late at night to be able to listen to him about how his team lost to 6 foot players vs his little, shrimpy 13 year-old boys (he is a middle school coach).
now i know.
i cherish those moments the most because they matter. they're not meaningless conversations. they feel whole and full. and that's maybe why i am starting to love being a coach's wife.
a coach's wife. it's not bad at all.
we sure don't have a lot of money, but we have support, spirit + love, check it out:
sure, football season is hard on both of us. but it's also fun because it brings on the fall and traditions like nothing else. 
like tv shows.
i am so pumped fall finally brings on my shows like Castle, Almost Human, Grimm, About a Boy, and Brooklyn 9-9. New to my lineup and most favorite is Blacklist, How to Get Away With Murder, Forever and Gotham. A huge disappointment is New Girl, Selfie...and I'm still waiting on Mindy Project but dangit, she keeps it real!!! 

happy fall yall!
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check out my other fall posts here and here and here

1 comment

  1. me encantaron las fotos! espero que la temporada de foot ball sea buena para todos ;)
    ps. a mi me encanta Mindy Project! jeje


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