Querida Mami Tola

Almost two years have passed since we found out the terrible news that we had lost our grandmother, Mami Tola. Her health had been deteriorating for years and she finally passed away the day before before my Father's birthday (his mother). My sister and I hurriedly got in my car and did the 14 hour trek south of the border into Durango Mexico. We arrived late that night and embraced our father for such a long time, we all started weeping. 

Spring Baseball 2016

I'm just going to insert this post quietly in here, even though this was 4 years ago. Shhhh...
Look at my cute ball players! Aren't they adorable! Y'all, being a mother of a kid in sports is NO JOKE! It is pure dedication! 
Thankfully, we have moved from baseball to soccer and basketball, but I still love the game! I wish my Astros were playing right now (thanks, coronavirus). 

Easter 2020

Happy Easter y'all! I made the kids trace their hands and I turned them into bunnies! We celebrated completely on our own this year, no visiting relatives or having company, thanks to the coronavirus. 

Wita's Birthday

Our own Wita, the matriarch, turned 88 years young in February. She donned her crown and celebrated with people that love and cherish her. 

February Photos

I wanted to use my big camera since it's just been collecting a lot of dust lately. My phone, while super handy, just doesn't have the resolution as my Nikon. 
Here were some goofy shots I took one afternoon in February. 

The Boys in Choir & Theater & Mother's Day

The boys were a part of a play put on by the church that was called Danny & The Shacks last year. Here are some pictures of their performance. Everyone did such a great job! 
Andrew was a lion in the Lion's Den and Jonah was the announcer for some sporting competition. 

AWANA Year recap

HI GUYS! I've been volunteering at my church's AWANA program since 2013. This program is completely amazing for kids. The 2018-2019 year was the best group of kids I've ever had the privilege to lead. They were so on point with their attendance, they were the coolest kids, and I really enjoyed loved listening to them saying scriptures by heart.