the sun did it

Hello! This week has included a ton of different things, from the beach to my birthday to the production of our first journals from our hand made paper! It's been an incredible week, with a visit from my Mom, sister and brother who drove over 4 hours just to visit us. It was pretty lovely :)
Lots of facetime with my dad from Mexico too, which I love because he gets to see my boys in action full with goofiness and spanish lessons :) 
We didn't do school this week so I made sure we were overly artsy. Jonah is my scribble monster. And  Jonah also learned to pedal Andrew's bike--something that took Andrew quite a time to achieve. 
Andrew lives in his own imaginarium as he draws his robots with big muscles and invents bouncy shoes and his own board games.
 You remember how I got so mushy with love for this guy HERE and HERE back in February? Well, I'm about to do it again.
You see, the husband is what you would consider a jock. He's a math and science genius. A coach. A sports and gun fanatic. While I swore off jocks in high school and highly disliked them, he was different. 
He was funny and smart. This is how he roped me in, you see. He showed off his pearly whites and made me laugh and I was totally his. Forever and ever.
His left brain was and is my complement. And until he started getting into this paper-making business, he was never part of my right-brain artsy-ness {or should I say, mess?} He always puts up with my artsy moods, my craft moods, and my hormonal moods. But now, it feels like I've connected with him in a totally different way. In an art way, which I never would have expected in our entire lives. I mean, he offers to take me to Michael's or Hobby Lobby voluntarily (in search of tools to better his trade, but regardless)! 
Whose man does that?  
One night, my breath was taken away at this sight:
When I looked over at my desk and saw him on my stool. Hunched over. My heart was so full. Of happiness. Love. Wonder. Of complete shock. Turns out, he was making custom watermarks for his paper. Now, do you really wanna know how much more I love this guy? lots more. 

                                   And am currently feeling:
a new batch of paper
 And we got bags full of vegetables -- again! {and we haven't made a dent in it which means we need to eat more greens!}
 So I made agua de melon {cantaloupe juice}...just like in Mexico. I remember my tia Ale always making agua de refreshing and pretty.
And when my family came for a visit, we went to the beach. I didn't know the beach was this accessible!!! 
I want to take advantage of it more often!
And after the beach, I received a giant birthday cookie {which I've always secretly wanted!} 
So, thanks Mom! 
also, this was not my fault. it was the sun's.
I loved the rosettes on my cookie :)
The library has been good to me lately. Reading up on artists. Crafts. Paper. Day of the Dead history. 
You know, the usual subjects. 
I was completely inspired by Picasso and this book that I painted a random still life under two hours. On a whim. On my birthday. Yesterday. It was very relaxing. A quick color study with acrylics and charcoal.
Ooh, and my mom bought me this new table! Which was uber-easy to set up all my paints and not get so frustrated by my crowded art desk! I plan on using this table til its last breath. Even if we do get rid of all the boys toys. And another picture of something I've painted recently. A simple, yet colorful daisy for my Tia Betsy's 50th. She loves it. 
Watercolors on our own paper :) Making things for others brings me joy.
Pssst. Wanna get freaked out? Remember these goofballs from a couple of posts ago?
I put the images on the iPad, and thanks to Frame Magic I was able to make a face switcharoo and totally freak me out. 
Who are they--can you tell? These kids are weird lookin'. They don't look like mine. 
Have a great weekend guys!
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