sick weekly wrap-up

This past weekend, my sis in law invites me to go swimming. I say nope. Why? Cause someone had a funky eye thing going on. One eye became very red and developed an abrasion...but no itchiness or whines came from the 4 yr old. So we Mexicans do home-remedies first...which means chamomile tea to the rescue!  
Then, the second little boy tells me his ear hurts. Oh great. Also had a mild case of eye redness.
But both of them loathed to lay down and have their eyes covered. Twice they took naps while I had their chamomile rag over their eyes. I even put some chamomile drops in Jo's ears. I researched and researched and I couldn't tell if the boy had pink eye or not....all I knew was that it wasn't going away the 2nd day of chamomile treatment. I am NOT one to join the circus of doctors solely because they over-prescribe you crap you don't need. But alas, there really was no mention of home remedies for pink eye. Please tell me I am misinformed! Both kiddos were behaving normal and I know that's one of the reasons why I didn't panic.
Still, I broke down the third day and paid a lotta money {since we don't have insurance} to see a doctor we've never visited before {we are new to the area}. The boys had a love/hate relationship with the nurses/doctors. And so, we found out we had pink eye {Andrew}, and ear infectionS {Jonah}. As we walk out, they hand me a list of other clinics in the area that are cheaper. Thanks. You see why I hate doctors and their employees?  
It is nice to say they are both back to normal so I am glad to have no more sickness in the house.
Blowing & eating bubbles, beautiful sunsets, sleepy heads, walks around the Greenbelt Trails, and parks!
A new book at the library completely caught my eye and headed straight to walmart to get needed ingredients!
And last but not least...this below.
When I first read it HERE, it was like a "duh!" moment. I felt like I should have known this, like this is what I needed to hear. I've been so out of touch with God lately that it feels like something has been missing. 
Like there's a black spot I can't wipe clean. And what this verse is saying, is so right. I can't do it alone. I cannot live my life without His grace, His love, and His forgiveness most of all. And it is when I am at my lowest (like I have been for the past few weeks), that He shows me His power. How much He is still there just waiting for me to beg for a Jesus comeback into my life. How good it is to have Him fill me up again. Anyone recommend any good devotionals that I can do on my computer? I neeeeeed it. 

Have a great weekend guys!
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  1. oh my! it must have been a hard week, but so glad to see everyone's doing better and blowing bubbles! jajajaja
    that cook book looks interestig!

  2. YES, we will be starting a new devo soon as a body of women believers soon :) and since you have an ipad, the YouVersion app has LOTS of devos. you can even search "she reads truth" to find great devos that pertain to being a mommy/wife/woman. i love how life applicable the studies always are.

    also, the only home remedy i know for pink eye is breastmilk. but unless you're still lactating, that wouldn't have helped you one bit :) ;) :)

    also also, so glad to hear you guys are all on the mend. (i hate doctors, too and only go if we fill it is dire. so i totally get this).

  3. So weird. Allison has had a stye in one of her eyes for the past week. I have to hold her down to keep the warm compresses on because she can't stand to be still for that long. We went to the doctor and got an ointment that's been a life saver.


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