In December,
Late mornings end up with gallos or hair that sticks straight up from being in bed.
Frowny faces because someone didn't want to sit in a particular chair.
And the most beautiful pair of eyes this mother has ever seen.
December days are also for
Christmas programs
Silly fart sounds from your mouth
December days are for
Christmas Netflix favorites after lunch
And non-educational games on the iPad under a blanket so no one can bother you
December days are also for

Day trips to the mall fully equipped with ninja swords
Escalator rides
Colorful potty breaks
And a very important stop at the Lego store

December days are also important for
The sweet hug-reward from Daddy when he knows we've been patiently waiting for him all day
School breaks which involve playing UNO with a brother
Goofy faces with Mommy before bedtime
December is also for
Impromptu photo shoots with babuchas at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
December also brings
CitiKitty kit for potty training kitties in the commode
Red Tulle for beautiful neck bows and
A tree skirt that acts as a bed
I'm gonna be so sad when December ends. I'm really enjoying this time with the boys.
The Christmas music I've been listening to on Pandora. Including this Playlist {Click it, I dare you}
The lack of Christmas food I've been making but ohhh sooo want to make.
The time with family and the pictures I'll take. Because I can't remember anything anymore.
Are you a Scrooge or a total nut for the holidays?
hey, you! thank you for sharing your December with us! I noticed you're not on FB anymore and have been meaning to get on here and email you. I miss your posts! Keep in touch! ~Lila, Oregon Cousin