Easter 2020

Happy Easter y'all! I made the kids trace their hands and I turned them into bunnies! We celebrated completely on our own this year, no visiting relatives or having company, thanks to the coronavirus. 

Since we couldn't visit our loved ones, the care package was such a thoughtful gift from their Moomie. The kids read some verses and you can watch those here.
Andrew was so happy about those bubbles, he played with them all day and even into our photo shoot (which you'll see those pictures in a later post). 
Our Easter morning included our church's online service and grumpy kids (don't let those cute smiles fool you!). I 'slaved' away on our Easter lunch too. We had venison roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I also made a cream cheese pie. 
They also had to hunt cascarones (confetti eggs) in our backyard. I'm SO thankful we have a yard! It was a pretty quick ordeal since it was only us 5 participating...usually it's a bunch of relatives. 
His bucket was totally full! But he's such a bully he cracked all the cascarones on his siblings before they could even catch him! 
I made him hold still while the others cracked confetti eggs on him! 
Our Lord's Supper (the previous night) was an impromptu one...we were not prepared when I turned on the live worship from our church. But we made it happen!
with Lemonade and crackers and shot glasses! 
I hope your Easter celebrations were special even though we were all under lockdown. 

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