Our October celebrations

**This post is from 2016! We're all just going to pretend it got published correctly, okay?**

Because I keep neglecting this poor blog, and before another decade goes by without a documentation of our most favorite month, I figured I could put this little post together at the very least. 
So, this entire month we busted out our decorations, with just a couple of updates (you can see them here)
We made skeletons out of cookies that were delicious, we made sugar cookies with Halloween cookie cutters, we trick or treated and went to festivals for what seemed like an entire week! We carved our pumpkins and also went trick-or-treating for real...enjoy!  
Her Ariel costume this year was such a win. Yeah, not just for her, but for me! It was a dream come true (like meeting Ana & Elsa at DisneyWorld this summer). She looked absolutely fabulous & loved her hair. She couldn't keep it on long, you know how itchy wigs get.
Our library trips begin again and I'm so excited! She loves the crafts part & as always, we take a picture with our most favorite librarian - Mrs. Megan! 
Our county's festival is always a must. They get loads of candy and kids go crazy with the bouncy houses & free rides. Elena has been such a die-hard horse lover that it's the first thing she requests. 
My little slugger always goes to the baseball one. 
And Andrew loves any climbing wall. He's a monkey, ya know? 
Earlier this month, the boys got to pick out pumpkins & they have been sitting on our porch until a few days before Halloween. Jonah, always trying to outdo everyone, grabbed the biggest pumpkin he could carry. He was told he had to carry it. So he did. 
Andrew has gotten more adjusted to handling gross things like bugs, mud, glue, etc. and now pumpkins! I only helped him a little bit this year. 
Jonah on the other hand, wanted to avoid the inside of the pumpkin no matter my threats...and instead of fighting him, I just did it for him. 
He thoroughly thanked me when it was all finished. I love that stinker. 
Elena woke up from her daily nap and joined us with her tiny little pumpkins. 
Baby girl was so very upset because she couldn't light up her pumpkin. The boys totally enjoyed lighting up the jack-o-lanterns. They looked pretty cool!
Happy Halloween! Hope you all had a safe & fun holiday. 
Now let's get ready for Thanksgiving & some Christmas shopping! 

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