last-minute pumpkin carving

Have you ever had a kid beg so much to carve a pumpkin? No? I did. On Halloween night, my oldest's eyes welled up when I told him carving pumpkins was too messy and that we wouldn't be doing it. 
oh great. just give me the worst-mom award now.
I put on my big girl panties, set out some wax paper on my new table, got all the tools out and hoped for the best.
I told him to bring in the pumpkin from the front porch and instantly, I made his entire world all better. He grunted and groaned putting that sucker on the table. Then I told him he needed to sketch the face before carving into it. And he did. All without my help (I love independent kids, don't you know?) 
So I drew the face on the pumpkin, made beginning marks with the knife and let them have a go at it. The cleaning really grossed them out so I helped a lot on that step, but they wanted to do it all. They're big boys now, I suppose. 
Andrew hated cleaning out the seeds, it was terribly disgusting he said. 
But after it was all said and done, they both loved looking at their handy-work light up on our front steps. Jonah thought he needed a glowstick as his hat. 
This bending-over-backwards business of being a mom, isn't so bad. Just look at those smug-heads. 
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1 comment

  1. Awww, they're so happy.

    I HATE pumpkin carving. Especially the cleaning part - ugh.

    Good on you for getting it done.


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