Painted Flower Pots with Gold Liquid Gilding - a DIY

Whaaat? Two DIY projects in one week!? Crazy, I know!
Hi guys! 
I couldn't resist! This is such a super cute and easy honor of Spring, and Mother's Day, and my birthday, I decided to paint more flower pots. Because truly, nothing is more inspiring than a whim of motivation and a splash of deadlines - ha! I loved making these, picking out plants for each of the gift recipients, and giving them away!
Supplies are:
  • ceramic flower pots 
  • acrylic paints
  • Martha Stewart liquid gilding paint 
  • paintbrushes
Seriously, it doesn't get easier than that.
Next, just paint the pot however you desire! Easy designs look best, but I kinda went crazy on that middle pot and I like it too! 

Next, just pick your greenery and plant it! 
I love the way the purple tones compliment the greens and black on this bottom pic! 
Give them away as gifts or keep them all to yourself!

Happy hump day guys!

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1 comment

  1. These are so cute! I love painting pots... so much room for creativity. Love the Gold Lynet!


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