🐣 Easter 2017

We're almost to Mother's Day and here I am, posting about our Easter happenings. Well, you know how it goes! Always late, never on the ball, just barely have a grasp on my sanity! 
Here's what you get...a plethora of our almost 2-week Easter endeavors which almost pooped us out because everyday it seemed was an egg-hunting event! 
But first, decorations!
Elena did amazing threading the hemp cord through the bunnies. She also made some Easter crafts at our local library. We always love having parties there... 
We did our second egg-hunt at our local park where red prized tickets and ACTUAL cash were inserted into the eggs. We also found hard boiled eggs which we stayed away from.
The kids made some cold hard cash that day and got high on sugar. Check out that creepy bunny tho 😨
For about an entire 6 weeks, I had the pleasure of hearing the question asked many times, "When are we going to dye our Easter eggs, mom?"
I made the mistake of buying these things early, knowing full well the week of Easter, only the crappy ones would be left. But in return, I had to endlessly answer that question with, "Until Easter. Now stop asking!"
But it didn't work. They just kept asking. 
Finally, IT. WAS. TIME. 
And OH my.....THE MESS. 
The mess! 
UGH. The mess. Mess level 100% Happiness level 100%
Worth it? Ehhh...I'm glad it's only once a year. 
Our third egg-hunt was in a nearby town where they had a festival sponsored through a local church. Face painting, temp tats, bouncy house, playground, games, free food and music, as well as an egg-hunt? Yeah, you can't beat that if you have kids.  

And then of course when we went to Moomie's house, we had to hunt 'cascarones'. Leo was there, too! I included Play-Doh and bath fizzies for the babies. The older boys got going on their egg smashing mercilessly upon their victims. 
Somehow, eggs were hidden way up high (most likely by tall people) but then the tall people had to bend down to get some confetti cracked on their heads. Talk about irony.
You think we big kids didn't get some retaliation? THERE'S NO MERCY! 
And of course, little boys started whining and crying over stealing each other's cascarones.
Everybody in for a family pic! 
During our Easter service, our church set up various photo ops throughout the church. I loved this one the best. 
The indoor ones were very dark and grainy.
And since we were all dressed up so nicely, of course I made Gary stop to take a picture of my babies. 
Let's not forget though, that Jesus is the Reason for the Season! 🙌✝️
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We hope you all had a great Easter! I'm SO glad we're onto May now...
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