10 on Friday

I thought I'd do a quickie post with 10 pictures from this week just to document how it went. This is the last week before the boys get out of school so it's a bit hectic trying to keep up with everything...

1. Little Turkey Princess fell asleep on the couch with her top bun and it was just the cutest. There were blankets all around her but she decided that her daddy's shirt was best.
2. If you follow me on Snapchat, you will get almost daily updates of my lunch---which is salad. My garden has been producing fabulously fast (faster than I can eat!) lettuce. Our strawberries are small but juicy (if you can find one to eat before the worms do!) and the tomatoes and peppers are coming along faithfully. Maybe I should do another garden post....I love my garden :) 
3. I got a call from the nurse saying Andrew's head was bleeding and well....you see the aftermath.
4 & 5. At church this week as the boys received their awards for AWANA (scripture memorization) 
6. He rarely sits still and I rarely have my camera outside anymore. But this shot was fate when the pool water was too cold and he wanted to warm up in the sun.
7 & 8. My role as a mother is complete now. His life is fulfilled and memories are made. His body is being nourished by harvesting and eating one single organic carrot and enjoying it outside --- YESS!
Of course he had to prep it before eating it.... ha!
9 & 10. Since I've been taking a lot of photos of my products for my shop, I felt I needed to document (correctly, of course) the awesome seed bombs we made for Mother's Day. My mom and my sister sat with me for a while and we talked while our hands stayed busy mashing paper pulp into muffin pans in hope of growing some flowers in the future. 
Amidst all of the events, our evenings have been quite fabulous too. We've stayed up late, went out together as a family to the playground, and have eaten some good meals (and ice cream, too!) These summer nights will soon come upon us where boredom, Netflix, dinners, metabolisms, naked booties, and hairstyles will run rampant. 

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