little girl's party is coming up

yes. yes. i love me a good party. i really do. especially the ones where i do a lot of diy's and have a great time with the people i love.
and yes, i forgot about my only daughter's birthday that's coming up in two weeks.
not a thought about celebrating her came up until 2 weeks ago. and then i panicked--hard core.
i'm in frantic mode because i don't want a huge thing, but i want to celebrate her to the fullest. after all, she is my sunshine when i wake up.
so while i'm freaking out about details of the event, i'll give you some cute pictures of her.
a few months ago, she braved standing on her own--although she didn't take steps. the photos below are just a few days before she finally learned to walk. 
 i love the way she sticks out her little tongue and looks back at me. like, hey mom. aren't i cool?
and baby GodziLena will climb on anything. and stick everything in her mouth. and destroy all. just a warning. so when and if you come to my house and everything is on the floor, you know why. 
and here are some iphone pics: 
confession: i really like dressing her up. i remember when i played with my Barbie's a long time ago that that was the funnest part. 
i dress my daughter up even to go grocery shopping. and i carefully chose her headband too. headbands are important. don't forget.
people take about 5 minutes to talk to me in the aisles just telling me how beautiful she is and how lucky i am. one lady even admitted that her cruddy day had just gotten better because E smiled at her. that was just wow to me.
i don't take her smiles for granted. each one has a place in my heart in a little box labeled "Happiness." 
she's almost one and not one day has gone by where my heart doesn't jump out just thinking of how lucky i am she's in our lives. 
and now back to party planning....
have a happy week, you guys! 
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