almost to third

...third trimester & third baby...I have never felt more in love. how is that possible? one always worries about spreading your love evenly for every member of your family. i already love this baby as much as I'll ever do, i don't know how it happened, but nobody is shorthanded love in this house. i can't wait to smell its little head, see its tiny toes, and watch it go into a milk coma in my arms.

i keep saying it because i'm afraid if i say she, she'll come out a he...just like last time.

i haven't been really taking pictures of this pregnancy with my big girl camera because it's somewhat uncomfortable to photograph oneself with a tripod and all that stuff about best angles and lighting...and well, i just won't do myself justice! ...of course i kid.
i don't think i posted my ultrasound or my unplanned gender reveal here ya go:
a saturday in september, we headed to downtown houston for our first and only sonogram with two munchkins. we encountered a very confusing hospital. my sonographer was not very caring + quick {just like those good ol' docs} and i minded that very much...considering she was highly recommended. i guess personality doesn't count when your work is extremely efficient? 
anyway, this is the most flattering photo of the whole two photos my husband managed to take!!! wasn't this supposed to be a momentous occasion? well, apparently he can recall everything in his brain, while this image is engraved into my mind because what really happened is a blur to me...thanks babe. 
almost 20 weeks. 
we asked her if she would help us out with our gender conundrum. i didn't want to find out. gary really wanted to find out. so she handed us two envelopes. one was sealed. 
gary had been bothering me for weeks about finding out the gender. why? because he's an i-need-to-know-right-now kinda person. and you know what? i caved because i too, wanted to find out...only about 10% of the time though. the other 90% was because I couldn't stand him harassing me and guilt-trippin' me with those beautiful blue eyes of his.
and after our lunch, we gave the sealed envelope to big brother...needless to say, it said girl. just like last time. 
we weren't excited. we weren't shocked. 
we were just the same. 
so was opening the envelope really necessary? absolutely not. this is a great lesson in being patient, babe. just fyi for next time. 
so here are the first images of baby #3. my little alien looking bean. 
so there you have my bump. i never showed off or was proud of my two previous bumps because you feel so awkward and big. but with this one? let my shirt fly off, momma's coming through and she's big! rub it! RUB IT, I SAID! 
no, not you stranger. 
i was talking to my family. 

have a great weekend! 

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  1. Great pictures and what a great occasion! I can't wait to see pictures of your little girl (she's already cute)! I can say she all I want ;)

    You're looking great!

  2. que emocion! una princesa entre tus mounstrillos jejeje, me da mucho gusto por ti :)

  3. i love all the belly love!! when you got it flaunt it girlfriend!


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