Weekends are for...

Weekends are for Birthdays...
And for sisters...
...and guests...
...and more family...
...and for doggies...

...and tias & Santa hats...
For silly, sleepy babies....
And smart & handsome three-year olds...
For helping the parents with their Christmas tree{s}...
...and for window condensation, Christmas decor, and fresh mistletoe from our tree...
I know Thanksgiving has passed, but I'm still thankful for everything I've photographed so I can remember these moments in my forever-escaping memory!!!

You guys! I can't believe that Christmas is almost here. You know that feeling when January rolls around and you feel Christmas will take another 100 years to come again? Well, it's fast approaching now--OH EM GEE! We had some snow before Christmas (what the hell was that about, Earth?) and cold temperatures are sticking around (thank you, Earth)--but somehow I still can't justify purchasing another coat for winter in Texas. Why? Because winter doesn't last more than a couple of months--

Happy Holidays!

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