The Boys will Play / Los Niños Jugaran...

This is what brotherhood is all about, right? Battles & Fights!
De esto se trata ser hermanos, no? Batallas y peleas!
You can't see me! "A que no me ves!!"
Smiles! Sonrisotas!
I like to check to see if they're still sleeping in the mornings...
En las mañanas, siempre checo que aun esten dormiditos...

But sometimes, they just pretend! Pero a veces, no mas se hacen!
Some of his doodles! Unos de sus primeros garabatos!
Sun is bright, but they don't care as long as they're outside.
El sol pega fuerte, pero no les importa porque estan afuera.
The cold doesn't get in their way, either.
El frio tampoco les molesta
 Barely touching with his tip-toes!
El triciclo que apenitas le alcanzan los pies!
 Chocolate-donut-with-sprinkes-face is the best!
Cara de dona con chocolate y chispitas es la mejor!
Time to play hide and seek, "Where are you Jonah?!"
A jugar las escondidas. "Donde estas Jonah?!"
Together in the dirt for the first time!
Los niños jugando en la tierra juntos, por primera vez!
Durango gets scorpions and in Abilene, we get roaches... 
En Durango salen alacranes, y en Abilene salen cucarachas...

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