On our way to Memphis, Tennessee for our Spring Break this year, we made a small detour to Jefferson, Texas. I should declare that leaving Texas is always half the trip to wherever you're going because this state is just monstrous.
The lovely little town of Jefferson is your typical small town in Texas: blocks of businesses, many antiques and museums, a small courthouse, tiny little traffic lights, and cute little planters on street corners. But Jefferson definitely had a New Orleans vibe to it. Iron wrought balconies with just the right hues of downtown NOLA. Archways, brick, and courtyards were also noticed. It was strange to see in Texas, but entertaining nonetheless.
We stopped at 113 E. Austin St. and parked in front of this building with an old Ford truck and some Red White and Blue pleated fan flags out front. The vintage hand-painted signs were just eye-candy fabulous. The window displays were super cool, too. 
YES. This store was the exact detour I love. I knew I was going to blow my Spring Break money before I even left Texas. Dang it.
Straight through those squeaky, wooden doors, was a man making home made pralines which tasted like 'jamoncillo' from Mexico they always sell at checkouts in grocery stores, but better because it was F R E S H!

Halfway through, we all simultaneously needed to find a bathroom and it was amazing.
Kinda reminded me of the Dublin Bottling Works bathroom with its chalkboard wall 😃
And look here, we even saw a very short John Wayne!
The place was absolutely cluttered with novelties and merchandise in every nook and cranny. Everything was old, vintage, antique, modge-podged, grimey, and cool. We grabbed a few things, candies, and made sure to get some of their Bluebell Ice Cream before we hit the road again.
If you're ever passing through that way, make sure to stop by Jefferson General Store. The entire town has lots of other attractions too! Next time we head to Memphis, let's stay a little while longer okay babe?!
Here's the link to visit their website: https://visitjeffersontexas.com/attractions
Next up, posting pictures of our adventures in Memphis. Stay tuned!