Brotherly. Love.

Andrew's been warming up to his brother, Jonah. 
He's been pulling out the pillows from under his head.
He's been putting blankets over his head.
He's been taking blankets OFF of him...
He's been the typical big brother, I guess.
Andres finalmente le esta gustando la idea de ser hermano mayor.
le ha estado quitando las almohadas debajo de la cabeza de Jonas.
le quita las cobijas y se las pone sobre la cabeza.
ha sido un hermano mayor tipico :)

naptime :)
this is where Andrew fell asleep while standing up on the sofa, with his head propped on a pillow
(I moved him though)
en este sillon es donde Andres se durmio parado. un minuto andaba brinque y brinque y el siguiente, se quedo jeton con la cabeza recargada en un cojin.

He was curious about holding him, so I told him to sit down.
I placed Jonah on his lap and he just looked at him. He had a good grip on him too!
I told him to give Jonah a "beso" and he laid one on him!
luckily I had my camera allllllll ready to go - yay me!
le dio curiosidad de agarrarlo, y le dije que se sentara.
inmediatamente se sento, y le puse Jonas en sus brazos. 
le dije "Dale un beso" y ni la penso!!!
que bueno que tuve la camera prendida, lista para este momento!

ready for bedtime
hora de dormir

He will sometimes touch his head and pat it, but tonight was a sweet, gentle caress on the cheek...
a veces le toca la cabezita muy fuerte, pero esta vez fue una caricia muy suave en el cachetito...

...followed by the snatching of his pacifier
...y luego le quito su chupon :) nap time - again.
We have become a napping family!
otra vez, la siesta
nos hemos convertido en la familia siesta!

He just looked so darn cute
 como no le puedo no tomar foto a esta belleza?!

In the bathtub...with his new bubbles!!!
 sus nuevas burbujas le encantan!!!

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