playing the piano and trains

Andrew's new love: choo-choo's. 

He really loves his choo-choo train. 

When we go to Moomie's, we play with James Ross' old train set and have fun building the tracks...

Of course Mommy gets to build it (if you want a working track, that is) and Andrew plays with it. 

Overturned carts, and tunnels, and pile-ups are normal

Beware of dangerous corners like this one, where a million signs hinder your progress.

And godzilla-like cats...

...that like to walk all over and supervise...

Choo-choo's are fun.

We sometimes get tired of trains and go onto other things... pianos.

Mind you that there's no batteries, therefore no sound comes out.

But no need. The music lives in his head.

Kinda like he shows us here in the contemporary shot of his swaying his head while he closes his eyes. 

Very touching.


Love his little fingers raised up. 

This shot is WIN.


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