fall decor + a NEW pinecone diy

secondly, i've noticed my painted pinecones post has blown up all over pinterest
and i was hoping to properly make a dedicated post for a new pinecone diy post. so bear with me and enjoy!

i snapped a few pictures of my process. pine trees are abundant where i live so all i had to do was look down to gather a few of those prickly little things. i have been wanting to use the gold liquid gilding since this project and i thought it was perfect for this re-do of a DIY.
gather your pinecones and paint them! that's the fun part. paint them all, paint them a different color or just leave them be -- it's up to you!
next make little rings from the wire of framing hardware kit and attach them to the top of the pinecones with hot glue.
when the glue hardens, cut + add some ribbon and hot glue it around the ring. and finally, tie the ribbons off-set from one another onto the hoop. 
it wasn't looking quite right to me after that. the hoop still needed 'something'. so i thought about a floral crown. i went ahead and incorporated some mums to make a floral crown on the hoop and i love how it came out. it totally added more color to it and fits perfectly! 
just buy a small bouquet of flowers and cut them off. next, just wrap the stems around the hoop, and voila! 
 those gold tips on my pinecone diy are so pretty when the light hits them just right. and those mums!
now for some inside fall decor, i pulled out all my beautiful fake fall flowers because come on, i'm practical and real flowers cost an arm & a leg.
and while my husband thinks they're completely unnecessary, i think the opposite. my eyes totally need them. 
andrew helped me set the garlands around our sliding door and above our bar window. and i absolutely love that he loves helping me with it. he suggested where to put them and my heart could not be prouder of this little helper. 
one more time just for kicks!
and lastly, 
have a fantastic first day of fall, y'all!

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  1. Fantastic work!! :))
    I love the pinecone decor.

  2. I wanted to show you how I copied your example, I'm so glad you consider it a compliment, and not a rip off, but.... I can't figure out how to get it from my photos to this box!! I made the burlap, pine cone and Easter egg acorns, and hung them in the same manner you did, so thanks for the inspiration. Linda D

    1. Linda, you are most welcome! Everything is almost a derivation of something else, so I'm glad this project inspired you to make your own.
      You cannot upload pictures into a comment, but you can upload it to another site like facebook or instagram or blog and you can send me the link so long as it's public. Or you can email it to me sanlynet@gmail.com
      Can't wait to see it!

  3. I love this project and I'm gathering the materials to do. Thank you for sharing your talent and ideas. I have one question about the paint. Did you use a spray paint on the painted pinecones or acrylic? Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing your talented ideas. I am gathering materials to make this project. I have a question about the paint on the painted pinecones. Did you use acrylic or spray paint? I have used spray paint and added glitter on past projects. I have never tried using acrylic. Thank you again. I love this idea.

  5. Hi! I used gold liquid gilding in the paint section from Michael's :) Hope that helps. I would also recommend gold acrylic.


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