Fall Festival & October Festivities

Yes, I found the time to put pictures together -- how about that?! It's been a whirlwind of months blending together and just whizzing by, I feel like I can barely catch a moment before I lay my head down each night.
Fall came around and football season begun. I became a widow and usually take charge in raising our kids single-handedly during this time of the year. 
Jonah was busy with baseball and we still attend storytime and church each week. I was also on a great hunt for a pumpkin patch to take pictures of the kids. We ended up going to a neighboring church and having a blast with friends. 
We also made the trip to visit the kids' Moomie & Pops, enjoyed a fund-raising bike ride, and made cookies and played with sheep. Hopefully I can get around to posting those pictures. 
Let's not forget that our amazing community provides a free Fall Festival each year, so we definitely had to go to it. 
Oh, and the Houston Astros won the World Championship! #teamspringer 
Before it got too late, I figured I better document my obsessive picture taking because it didn't happen if it's not on the internet, amiright? Let's go!
Elena got new boots and decided to dress herself in the picture below. Oh my heart ðŸ’–
Do these kids not know where the camera is? What is so entertaining over there, and over there, and over there?!? geewhiz...
Woodlands Church had amazing games, photo ops, and a pretty cool corn maze for the kids to enjoy. It was too bad the sun was SO stinkin' bright most of us have squinty eyes!
Our storytime at the library had a small party where you dress up, make crafts, and go around collecting candy from fellow librarians. We decided to keep it simple and use her SuperGirl costume she had in hand. 
I guess I need to admit that I did not buy her a new costume. She has about 10 of them and I told her to choose one. She did. And doesn't she look so dang cute? Give me free and cheap and we'll make do! 
Andrew decided that he wanted to be the Grim Reaper this year. I am still not sure how I feel about letting him dress like this. Anyways, he has taken a dislike to my camera and usually escapes me, so you see very little of him in photographs (unless he's threatened like shown here). 
The Flash had no problem riding ponies or climbing walls and running all over the place though. 
Elena decided she was going to forgo her costume to the fall festival (totally fine, not gonna fight you girlfriend...you'll just ruin my pictures but okaaay).
Because Halloween landed on a Tuesday, I decided to dedicate the Saturday before to celebrate Halloween. This included movies, cookies, a brain jello, and crafts. Also included that doesn't necessarily pertain to the holiday was fighting, tickling, dancing, Game 4 against the LA Dodgers, and time-outs. 
The boys always pick the smallest pumpkins because they're cute and this year it was the first time they carved them (all on their own too!)
They came out SO good! I installed LED little candles in them and they worked like a charm. Elena didn't carve one because she doesn't care. 
The kids know the drill on cookie making - they're absolutely messy experts. 
These are the ones we did at Moomie & Pops' house -- the zombie ones are my favorites!
Our front porch looked so nice with plants, pumpkins, skeletons and mum, doesn't it? The boys pumpkins lasted about 5 days without any rotting so that was great. I ended up submerging them in a bleach/water solution that I got from pinterest. Will definitely have to do that every year.
Happy Fall! Happy Halloween! I'll be posting the kids costumes in the next post -- stay tuned!

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