Elena the Artist 🖌️

Hello! Welcome to Elena's little art exhibit! Come and be amazed at the ambidextrous little girl who loves to paint and get paint on her!
No seriously, she loves paint. Glitter paint, acrylic paint, watercolors, aquabrush, Lisa Frank coloring pages with the pre-colored animals and all you do is put water on it...
She wants it. 
And she gets it all over her, my carpet, and also her desk in the studio. It's alright. Let's paint everything. 
She knows to clean up and how to wash brushes, she knows to get a rag to wipe messes, etc. She's amazing, that girl.
While I was painting a shelf outside a few weeks back, I set up an easel for her and reused an old canvas board the boys had painted on (they're no good, ahem) and she absolutely loved it.
I don't tell her what to paint. She just tells me what colors to pour and she goes at it. 
She is a fan of black... 😒
She filled up the entire canvas and was done.... 
During studio days, she has a plethora of mediums to choose from (besides paints, duh) From markers to pastels, oil pastels to crayons, and coloring pencils. Her favorites though, are markers. 
And she's so savvy, she uses both hands. I mean, she's remarkable (ooooh i love her squishy fingers so much!!) 
Yes, I am biased. 
She likes to paint and color on herself....
She makes me print out specific characters for her to paint because the 1,000 coloring books just aren't good enough. And I love that she knows to 'stay inside the lines'...it does wonders for my eye-twitching.
Storytime crafts at the library are very fun for her. She will color every.single thing on her craft...she is also a master cutter. 
I bet you didn't know she knew how to cut with scissors yet. 
She cuts a piece of paper into a billion tiny little pieces and leave them all on my floor. If you're not amazed, then you just haven't had a kid (ha!)
My little artist is so amazing. She makes my days full of joy + laughter (+ frustration). She loves her mama so much so, that when mama is working on shop stuff, she knows to keep a distance in order not to mess her up. 
I've also learned not to even hint at using a different color for her, because she's the Color Picker. 
We work well. 
Most days. 

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