8 months

you guys, can she really be that old now? no. no. i refuse to accept it. 
i was perfectly fine when i could leave her be and she would be in the same spot when i came back. next, i was ok with her rambo/commando'ing it across the floor. but crawling on all fours now? walking from furniture piece to furniture piece? no. i'm not fine at all.
this can only be a foreshadowing that she will be my most wiggliest baby of all. the most squirmiest. the one that runs away and i can't catch and words won't matter to her. she doooo what she dooooo. 
yep. that's my girl. 
she's become a great waker-of the-night. a great vacuum cleaner. a great floor cleaner. a great snack attacker. a great talker. a master at the 'awwww'-people maker. and a much better pooper-maker and drooler.
but still no teeth. where are you tiny little teefies? 
here's to being 8 months young. 
i love you little girl.

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