simple moments: found with daddy

another post about simple moments!!!
i'm so glad i join these because i hate having pictures in my drive that i don't put here on the blog. this is like a scrapbook for me. i love browsing through the years and laugh about my writing and swoon over all of my three babies...
without further adieu, this week it's all about found with a parent--and these boys love their daddy. he's mostly fun, spontaneous, a big softie, and so freakin' book smart it makes me sick. i'm so lucky he's my babies' daddy.
these were taken at a restaurant nearby where the kids adore to climb up on this unsafe wall. rather than tell them to get down, daddy climbed up there with them and we had a mini-shoot.
(click image to go to page)
simple moments is about finding the small things that make up our everyday, things we want to remember and be thankful for. it's the little bits of our lives that might not be remembered when we are gray and old. so we document it, on paper, with a photo, in a journal, through a blog.
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  1. aww, i love it! i'm glad he is a daddy that has fun with his kids! and how amazing that he's YOURS forever! love this, really i do!

  2. What gorgeous pictures and what a lovely family!

    Wishing you a wonderful day.


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