

This is his 'say cheese' face, in case that wasn't clear. 
Esta es la cara que pone cuando le digo, "di cheese!" (por si acaso no me entendieron)

He's been doing it for quite a while now, but recently it's becoming more and more popular
Hace este gesto a veces, pero ultimamente se ha vuelto mas popular (el gesto) 

That was his cheese pose, in case you're wondering.
Y si todavia estas con las dudas, aqui esta su pose tambien.

As I've said MANY time before, Andrew loves to go exploring.
He's a boy! Duh.
Siempre he dicho que a Andres, le fascina ir a explorar
Pues es niño, obvio no?

Lately, he's been picking up random things from the neighbor's area and from the ground that are insignificant, dirty, buried, and sometimes interesting.
Pero ultimamente, le a encantado recoger cositas interesantes de la parte del vecino. Son cosas sucias, que estan enterradas en la tierra, pero a veces son interesantes.

He picks them up,
Los recoge,

he inspects them,
los revisa,

he shows them to me, 
me los enseña,

and then, he brings them all to his playset.
y se los trae a colectar a su juego.

Here they are...
Aqui estan...

He loves to just play with them and make them into deadly tools or swords.
He found a Sharpie and wrote on his hands too.
Le encanta inspectarlos, revisarlos, verlos, pero lo que mas le gusta es que son sus herramientas, se convierten en sus espadas, y etc.
Tambien se encontro un plumon y se rayoneo en la mano!

Isn't he grungy beautiful!?
Como lo ven a mi greñoso!?

....and no, I'm not chopping it.
....y no, no se lo voy a cortar!


Extra Andrew Bonus

With his hair combed:
Con el pelo peinado: 

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