Instead of going to the Boo at the Zoo this year, which last year was a total FAIL, we decided to go to the zoo without the ghouls this year.
We saw Melman from Madagascar and his friend...
...and their tongues
We saw lions. Unfortunately, Alex the Lion was not out....Earlier this year, the lioness had 5 cubs and I never thought that we would be able to get to see them since the animals always tend to hide or lounge around (and you can never take good pictures) BUT THIS TIME we actually got to see almost EVERY animal!!!
I was stoked!
So here's mama lion with 3 cubs eating....
...and the other two lounging
The mama lion was so relaxed, until the big cub came over and totally just flopped on top of the other two to take their spots. After that, she no longer wanted to feed...I wondered how tough her nipples were.
We could hear the lioness growling throughout the day which was a real treat.
We saw Marty the Zebra from Madagascar and his twins
...but I guess Gloria the Hippo was on vacation :(
"Ma!!! Ma!!!"
We saw little ducklings on a log
and a buffalo who was sun-bathing...
We saw a silly boy running around the lawns of the zoo
We got complimented on Andrew too much it almost felt like he was the only pretty child at the zoo...
Jonah and mommy were taking all the pictures, that's why we're not photographed.
But I did take a peek of Jonah once...
Then we saw monkeys cleaning their tails,
...and each other...
We saw bears who were hungry...
...and little boys were scared
But all good times must always come to an end,
and with that we wave
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